Saturday 14 February 2015

Kingsman: The Secret Service Review

Kingsman: The Secret Service is directed by Matthew Vaughn, and stars Colin Firth, Mark Strong, Tamar Egerton, Michael Caine and Samuel L. Jackson among other British actors. The story is about a Kingsman agent, played by Colin Firth, who finds a young man called “Eggsy”, who happens to be the son of his previous recruit for the secret service agency, and recruits Eggsy to become the next Kingsman. During this time, they will go up against the weird and funny villain Valentine, played by Samuel L. Jackson. The film was released in Australia, 12th of February.

Now, to start off with, I have a 50/50 chance of liking a Matthew Vaughn movie. He has made some brilliant movies, such as Layer Cake, which I own on blu-ray. But then he’s made some other films that me personally, have not been a fan of. I’m talking about Kick Ass. Now don’t get me wrong, I know everyone loves Kick Ass, so they should be sure to love this film. But I wasn't a fan of the first one and haven’t seen the second one yet, which seems good, seeing as the majority of people hated it. So going into this film I was skeptical, but really hoped it would be good.

Kingsman: The Secret Service was fucking amazing. I had a brilliant time with it, both in the funny moments and the serious tense moments. I’m not sure if it was due to the fact that I LOVE spy stories (I own all the James Bond’s) but every joke worked and every tense situation actually made me a bit nervous. There is one scene near the middle of the movie where they are falling and have to work together to get out alive, and I actually found my heart beating a lot just wondering what will happen. Movies, definitely spy movies and comedy movies, that can make me not predict what is going to happen next are brilliant.

Tamar Egerton, who plays ‘Eggsy’ in this movie, was actually brilliant. Watching the trailers for this movie, I was a bit off put by him, feeling like he might be the guy trying to do comedy but does a terrible job and thinks he’s the funniest man alive. But he pulled it off brilliantly, not just doing the comedy well, but the action as well. Colin Firth, to me, is an excellent actor and I enjoy him. His scenes are wonderful too, and there’s this one fight scene in a church that was absolutely hilarious while being brutal in the action department. But to see what they did happen in a church, makes it even more hilarious. All the characters are brilliant, and the movie makes you feel for certain characters, wanting them to succeed, such as ‘Eggsy’ beating up his step dad, or so on.

The only real problem I have with the film is the pacing, which is sometimes I found myself wishing the scene would pass or that one scene should have gone longer. Also, and this is just a me thing here, but I do wish the training scenes had gone on a bit longer, as I highly enjoyed those and they were fun and hilarious. Besides that, the acting and action, even the comedy, was excellent and a welcome surprise.

I recommend seeing Kingsman: The Secret Service while it is in cinemas, and will give it a 4 out of 5 stars.

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