Sunday 5 January 2014

Sherlock Series 3: Episode 1

So, after 2 years of anticipation and endless theories, Sherlock has finally come back onto our screens to once again be a smart ass. Steven Moffat and Mark Gatiss return to once again make us sit on the edge of our seats and scream as the credits start to role. Now, I am a big fan of Steven Moffat, even though he causes many viewers to become psychopaths, mainly from his Doctor Who episodes. And Mark Gatiss, I sometimes enjoy his work. His work in Doctor Who is very unrecgonisable, whereas here it shines more. But the real stars are Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman, who play friends that are awkwardly put together, causing hilarious circumstances. Now this will be a SPOILER review, so be warned!

This episode started brilliantly, tying up 2 years in a couple of minutes, and revisiting the vital points of the last series finale. Sherlock has now taken down all of Moriarty's web of terrorists, as requested by Mycroft Holmes, and is now able to return to his old life with John Watson in 21B Baker Street (I have a feeling that's wrong). Unfortunately, Sherlock Holmes isn't accustom to normal human nature, and Watson's reaction to Sherlock's return is the best part of this episode, where he copes with anger, sadness, and betrayal. They even go so far as to show Watson's theory on how Sherlock survived the fall, which gives you a great inside scoop as to Watson's train of thought, which I really enjoyed. I also enjoyed other people's theories of how Sherlock survived, it kept you on the edge of your seat, as you get excited at finally seeing how Sherlock did it, with dissapointment as you discover its only a theory. Also, these theories that where shown also debunked a lot of theories in reality, as people who saw filming of the show saw these, and posted of how they knew the answer.

Another quality that really shined in this episode was the reaction and emotional context of the characters - With Sherlock not understanding Watson, and asking out for a new partner, Watson feeling betrayed and abandoned, with years of therapist to help him, Mary (Watson's wife) who tries to propel Watson back into his old life of solving crimes, and many others. One thing I am very sad about, is this is definetely the ending of Moriaity, who was such a great character in the First and Second Series. Like a mix between the Joker and Silva from Skyfall. Unless they have some stupid way of bringing him back - which could not be far off from Steven Moffat's way of writing. A new enemy has come about though, as shown in the final seconds of the episode. Not being a true Sherlock fan, I do not know any other enemies besides Moriarty, but it will be interesting to see how it transpires in future episodes.

Unfortunately, with Sherlock only being 3 episodes long, our time with this wonderful show will be short. Questions: Will this be the last Series for Sherlock? I honestly think it could last another 1 or 2 series before it grows old and must finish. But it is only at its height now. So what are your thoughts on probably one of the most anticipated episodes ever? (Besides the last half of the fifth season of Breaking Bad). Thank you guys!

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