Wednesday 24 February 2016

Why Gossip Girl is slowly testing my patience.

So, as the great boyfriend I am, I agreed to watch all of Gossip Girl for my girlfriend. This comes after, as she thinks, I've "tortured" her with Star Wars and James Bond. I'm close to finishing off the second season, and have realised that this show is absolutely stupid. Yet I can't help watching it. I have a love-hate relationship with this show. It's garbage, makes no sense, characters are complete idiots for the sake of plot, yet I need to know what's going to happen next. I've made it this far, why not finish it off?

Spoilers Ahead.

For example, in the last hours of season 1, Serena (the main idiot of this show) comes forward with a problem. She has murdered someone while she was away, before when the tv show had started. Now like anyone, this peaked my interest. Up until now it had been about what sock looks good on what foot, and now suddenly a murder had been brought forth. This show had finally become acceptable! I scrambled to click next episode of my Netflix as the credits rolled up, leaving Serena's fate to be found somewhere in the next painful 45 minute bore fest. As usual, Netflix skips the opening credits for me and my heart skips a beat as the episode plays out. I have never been interested in a show about girls with guys that are one step away from looking like girls. And then the truth about the murder has come out. Finally.

It was a fucking joke. Serena has supposedly become a murderer because she offered some of the victim's drugs to him. That's it. Like they couldn't even god damn let it be her drugs and maybe someone else was out to poison her and she stupidly offered the drugs to the victim. No, because she reached over and gave the drugs that were owned by the victim TO THE VICTIM AND HE USED IT ALL HIMSELF SHE DECIDED SHE MUST BE THE MURDERER! Serena is the most self centered asswipe that has ever had the grace of becoming a main character. If this didn't make matters worse, after she talks to the parents of the victim about it, and they agree she had no fault in hell with the whole "murder", she STILL takes it upon herself to take credit for the murder. You remember those girls in school that would pretend they had problems just for attention and shit. Yeah well that's Serena, except imagine that high school girl was ten times more idiotic.
"oh my god how was your summer Sernea?" Asked Blair.
"Oh I killed somebody and I feel really bad. Like oh my god!" Replies Serena, with fake god damn tears rushing from those lying evil eyes.

The only way I could see that she would blame herself is that she is SOOOOOO stupid that she thinks the victim didn't die from the drugs, but because she's developed supernatural powers like Rogue from X-Men and kills everyone they touch. How unfortunate for them (and me) that all she is, is a stupid moron.

Fast forward to Season 2. So Dan and Serena are really close with the new teacher called Rachel. And that's fine, I was friends with some of my teachers too. But then Blair  (Serena's friend) creates a false rumor that Dan (Serena's boyfriend) is doing the "extra credit" with Rachel, and shit goes crazy. But after this rumour comes out, Dan decides to go OUT with Rachel to a cafe to TALK and to COMFORT HER. Because talking in a classroom, or better yet, IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SCHOOL HALLWAY was too suss. No one will ever suspect a student and a teacher in a cafe doing anything mischievous. And what do ya know, Serena waltzes past and decides that Dan is obviously on his way to getting that "extra credit" and instead of talking to Dan about it (the sensible route) Serena decides to take photos and show the whole school (stupid moronic route for plot and more seasons).

I have never met more stupid characters or more unnecessary plots then in this show. I get paid more per hour then Serena has IQ level. And I get underpaid. I'm honestly not sure why the show keeps saying Dan is the smart one. But then again I guess if you're smarter then everyone else (and everyone else doesn't even reach the average IQ level) then you would be declared a genius too.

I'm mostly dissapointed in the screenwriters and the people who approve the scripts. Obviously not a lot of thought has been put into this. Well, actually that's not true. A LOT of thought has been put into this, but into how we can make Serena and Dan broken up for the 50th time, because Susan the new girl came up with this killer episode where Dan meets a hooker and saves her from her pimps. But it's okay, because George, the other screenwriter, has a way to bring them back together the episode after that! Damn! We just created 2 extra episodes for this season from this! YAY! Now let's also just throw in Chuck squinting at something because he refuses to wear glasses, Nate deciding what girl he wants to get with, Rufus doing his comedic relief job, Jenny complaining about something that will mean nothing in the next episode, and Blair being a rich bitch. None of what these characters do will matter in the long run. Only the first episode of the season and the last episode of the season matter. Everything else is just filler episodes. Remember that scene in FRIENDS where Monica pretends to be Rachel and says "oh I love Ross! I hate Ross! blah blah blah"? Yeah well this is that, but on a whole scale of every character doing that. Dan and Serena, on and off together. Chuck and Blair, on and off together. Nate and Vanessa, on and off together. Jenny and her ideas, on and off together. Plot and character, on and off together. Rufus and Lily, on and off together.

And another point, does anyone care who Gossip Girl is? Like audience members or characters? Not once so far has any of the characters given a damn about who Gossip Girl is, and me as an audience member hasn't even once cared about it. It entered my mind once, but was pushed out by stupidity from this show.

All in all, I do like the show a bit. Like it's entertaining, it's funny, it's interesting. Just people are stupid for plot devices. People normally don't think or do like this, but because it's in the interest of plot twists and "oh no she didn't" scenes, it completely ruins my experience with this show. I can only see it getting worse from here on out. No wonder Chuck gets drunk so much, that's the only way this show can be viewed.